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Fat Shame: Interview with Dr. Amy Farrell

By admin / December 16, 2021

In the first post of our Fat Shame series, Kim Buesser talks with Dr. Amy Farrell, a professor of American Studies and Women’s and…

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5 Tips For a Body-Positive End of Summer

By admin / December 16, 2021

We’ve officially reached August, which means we are in the final stretch of summer. I don’t know about you, but…

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3 Tips to Go Back-to-School with a Body-Positive Attitude (and Leave Your Comparison Game at Home!)

By admin / December 16, 2021

It’s back-to-school season and all of this hoopla can bring up a lot for anyone who struggles with body image issues…

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3 Myths About Mindful Eating (And Why You Shouldn’t Believe Them)

By admin / December 16, 2021

Mindful eating has the power to transform your relationship with food. I’ve seen first hand how peace and freedom can become available…

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My Four Favorite F-Words for Fall

By admin / December 16, 2021

Fall is officially here and I’m welcoming it in with open arms. I love fall–the pumpkin and apple picking, the…

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Why I Will Not Be Dieting In 2019 (and I’m not making any lifestyle changes either)

By admin / December 16, 2021

In our self-improvement obsessed culture, year-end reflection is focused not on gratitude for what we have, but on striving for…

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How to Welcome Spring with a Body-Positive Attitude

By admin / December 16, 2021

Warm weather is arriving! And while visions of al fresco dining, pool floats, and frozen daiquiris can make us giddy…

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Why “Curing” Emotional Eating Isn’t Necessarily Going to Make You Thin (And Why It Really Doesn’t Matter)

By admin / December 16, 2021

Heal your relationship with food! And lose weight too! These are the claims that many programs focused on treating emotional…

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Why Mindful Eating is not a Weight Loss Plan

By admin / December 16, 2021

Can mindful eating help me lose weight? Maybe, but we’re missing the forest for the trees. Mindful eating isn’t a…

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Please Don’t Put Your Kids on a Diet

By admin / December 16, 2021

Dear Parents, Please do not put your children on a diet. As a parent myself, I get it. We want…

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eating disorder specialist nyc - Alexis Conason
eating disorder specialist nyc - Alexis Conason
Dr. Alexis Conason Psy.D


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